Imperial Calendar

Dwarven Calendar


60 AI

First Varangian raid on Constantinople

62 AI

Rurik, a Varangian norseman, asked by inhabitants of Novgorod to rule them.  Begins construction of Borivostok fortress at the mouth of the Neva river.

79 AI

Oleg, moves capital from Novgorod to Borivostok.  Expands Varangian domain to include Kiev

82 AI

Oleg moves capital from Borivostok to Kiev, unites eastern Slavs of the region

88 – 98 AI

Cyril and Methodius travel as missionaries into Slavic countries and create the basis of the Cyrillic alphabet

107 AI

Oleg attacks Constantinople, forces formal trade treaties with Byzantine Emperor

113 AI

Igor succeeds Oleg as ruler of Kiev

141 – 144 AI

Igor’s expedition against Constantinople

143 AI

Kievan campaign in Persia

145 AI

Igor killed in expedition against Drevlianians

146 AI

Olga, Igor’s wife and Regent of Kiev, avenges Igor’s death by burning the Drevlianian city and burying their ambassadors alive

155 AI

Olga travels to Constantinople and is baptized, becoming the first prominent Rus Christian

164 – 166 AI

Sviatoslav defeat of the Khazars on the Volga

166 – 167 AI

Prince Svyatoslav attacks and destroys Khazar state

167 – 172 AI

Sviatoslav’s expedition in the Balkans

168 AI

Kiev attacked by the Pechenegs

170 – 171 AI

Sviatoslav conquers Bulgaria

171 AI

Peace treaty with the Byzantine Empire results in the loss of Balkans and Crimea

172 AI

Sviatoslav, Olga’s son and Grand Prince of Kiev, is killed by the Pechenegs

Sviatoslav’s sons fight for supremacy

178 AI

Vladimir becomes the sole ruler of Kievan Rus

188 AI

Vladimir devotes himself to the Orthodox Church and begins imposing the faith on his citizens

196 AI

The Church of the Tithe, the first stone church in Rus, is completed

215 AI

Vladimir dies, 21 years of strife follow

225 AI

The Monastery of the Caves is founded near Novgorod

236 AI

Yaroslav “The Wise” becomes Grand Prince of Kiev, ushers in the golden age of Kievan Rus

254 AI

Yaroslav dies, dissention and fighting among the Rus princes follows

254 – 273 AI

Russkaya Pravda (Justice of Rus) prepared

268 AI

Uprising in Kiev against Prince Izyaslav

274 AI

Death of Theodosius, abbot of the Monastery of the Caves

295 AI

First election of Prince in Borivostok

297 AI

Partition of Kievan Rus into patrimonial estates at Lyubekh conference

308 AI

Principality of Vladimir founded

313 AI

Vladimir Monomakh claims the title of Grand Prince of Kiev

316 AI

Mony Sylvester compiles the Provest Vremennyk Let (Tale of Bygone Years, The Primary Chronicle)

325 AI

Vladimir Monomakh dies, beginning of Kiev’s decline

326 AI

First election of Posadnik (Mayor) by Borivostok Veche (Assembly)

340 AI

Crossbows first appear in Borivostok

347 AI

First mention of Moscow in Rus chronicles

369 AI

Andrei Bogolyubsky, Grand Prince of Vladimir-Suzdal’, sacks and destroys Kiev

385 AI

The Lay of Igor’s Campaign, an epic poem, marks the high point of Rus literature

423 AI

Battle at Kalka River

First Mongol invasion of Rus, results in near total destruction of Rus forces

424 AI

Kiev falls to invading Mongol army

441 AI

Alexander, Prince of Borivostok, defeats Swedes at the Neva River and is named Alexander Nevsky

442 AI

Alexander Nevsky defeats Volk Knights at Lake Peipus

452 AI

Moscow emerges as an independent principality

Mongols name Alexander Nevsky Grand Prince of Rus

463 AI

Alexander Nevsky dies, son Daniel becomes Grand Prince of Moscow, son Vasily becomes Prince of Borivostok

470 AI

Borivostok signs treaty with Mark League

500 AI

Transfer of Metropolitan office from Kiev to Vladimir

528 AI

Ivan Kalita becomes Grand Prince of Moscow

Seat of Orthodox Church moved from Vladimir to Moscow

540 AI

Sergius of Radonezh founds Holy Trinity Monastery near Moscow

548 AI

Pskov becomes an independent city-state

552 AI

Black Death arrives in Rus, spreading from Borivostok

580 AI

Battle of Kulikovo

Dimitry Donskoi defeats Mongols

582 AI

Moscow sacked by Mongols

First mention of firearms in Moscow

592 AI

Sergius of Radonezh dies

611 AI

Adrei Rublev, greatest icon painter in Rus, completes his “Trinity

644 AI

First mention of Cossacks (Kozaks) in Rus chronicles

658 AI

Kievan Metropolitan assumes independence from Moscow

662 AI

Ivan III, The Great, becomes Grand Prince of Moscow, begins “The Gathering of Rus Lands”

663 AI

Moscow annexes the Principality of Yaroslavl

670 AI

Ivan the Great attempts to annex the Principality of Borivostok, but is repelled by an army of adventurers and western mercenaries led by Boris the Cold, Prince of Borivostok

672 AI

Ivan the Great marries Sophia Paleologus, a niece of the Byzantine Emperor

Boris the Cold grants lands along the Volkov River, the eastern border of the his principality, to the soldiers who defended it

Moscow annexes Principality of Perm

674 AI

Moscow annexes Rostov

680 AI

Mongols forced to retreat at Ugra River

Tribute is no longer paid, though Tartar harassment continues

685 AI

Moscow annexes Tver

687 – 691 AI

The Palace of Facets, first great palace of the Kremlin, is built in Moscow

689 AI

Moscow annexes Vyatka

697 AI

Ivan the Great issues Sudebnik (Code of Laws)

699 AI

Kremlin’s Terem Palace is begun

705 AI

Ivan the Great dies

Vasily III becomes Grand Prince of Moscow

710 AI

Moscow attempts to annex Pskov, but is defeated by Borivostok and western mercenaries

711 AI

Pskov joins Principality of Borivostok

714 AI

Prince of Smolensk swears fealty to Moscow, to avoid military conflict