Sisterhood of Dwarvenkind

The Sisterhood believes in the preserving and promoting the unique aspects of dwarven culture. It is these aspects of dwarven culture that the sisterhood believes make dwarves what they are. The sisterhood acts as keepers of some dwarven history, particularly the aspects relating to dwarven culture. They are also responsible for preventing the corruption of dwarven culture by foreign influence or dwarven ignorance. Primary responsibilities of the sisterhood are that of maintaining the integrity of the One Tongue, teaching the dwarven culture to the outside world and locating lost Freeholds and isolated/endangered groups of dwarves. There is a small faction within the sisterhood that believes that the Lost Dwarves were once true dwarves and must be returned to the fold, this, however, is not a very popular belief. Within dwarven communities the sisterhood is responsible for sponsoring a number of holidays honoring heroes and dwarven pride

Symbol: Gem. Either stylized, or a ruby or diamond, though others types are also used.

Organization: Rank within the sisterhood is designated through the use of precious stones, the value of the stone increasing as the sister rises in rank. Low-level sisters are first Obsidian then Onyx Sisters. At mid rank Jade, then Garnet then Sapphire Sisters. At higher levels Emerald, and Ruby. The highest-ranking members are Diamond sisters. There is usually at least one Diamond sister in each major hold, and a number of lesser sisters subordinate to her.